Indie Report – The Radiant Spider-Man

Radiant Spider-Man

Indie Report – The Radiant Spider-Man

Review by Justin T. Bowler

Spider-man has been rebooted three times in the last fourteen years with six different films. Sam Raimi’s version was the best so far, though not the biggest of the money makers, but the most critically acclaimed and favored by fans and audiences alike. Although, that may change with the upcoming Spider-man: Homecoming starring Tom Holland. He certainly made a great impression on audiences in Civil War as Peter Parker. Unfortunately, as great as he was and as hopeful as I am for the next movie, I feel they have already missed the mark.

Radiant Spider-ManTom Holland is great as Peter Parker, but how great would it have been to finally see Miles Morales don the mask? SONY and Marvel had a great opportunity to do something NEW and AWESOME but they went with SAFE. Fortunately, there are a lot of fun fan films out there that cover every aspect of superhero-dom. Specifically, I’m referring to The Radiant Spiderman by LeRoyal Tutt. Serving as the lead, and the director and the writer and the editor and the sound engineer and the executive producer, Tutt basically did this entire film (ahhhh the life of an indy filmmaker). If only he could have replaced himself with all of the other actors, then it truly would have been a one man show (a FANTASTIC one man show).

In the wake of Peter Parker’s death, Tutt creates a fun, yet heartfelt ride of the new young superhero, Miles Morales, before he decides to take up the mantle of Spider-man. This is a story that has needed to be told on film. Though short, the film delivers. In 7min., 46 sec., the short offers drama, action, and comedy. The fight scenes are well choreographed, complete with peppered one liners that surely capture the flavor of the genre. Films like these are part of the reason for the superhero boom that we are currently experiencing. Keep up the good work!
Radiant Spider-Man

For Short Film Fans – 3 stars
For Superhero Fans – 3 stars

Check it out HERE.

Justin Bowler
@IndyFilmTwittic on IG
@JustinTBowler on Twitter

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